Holly Hughes
From one of my modules last semester, I learned about the importance of community and collaboration in building a sustainable future. I wanted to focus on the theme of Home and the UN Sustainable Development Goal, Sustainable Cities and Communities. The importance of building a strong sense of community and people helping each other and collaborating is vital to combatting the climate crisis. Individual effort is important but when people come together as a community that is when real change can be made.
I used the solar panel as a home for a community, it becomes an apartment which includes lots of different people at their windows and balconies. This community are connected and interacting through sustainable living practices such as growing food and plants, sharing food, making clothes etc. I wanted to show how sustainable living can bring a positive atmosphere to a community through the bright colour scheme and bold shapes. I take a lot of inspiration from textiles and quilting in my work, this translates in the patchwork style of the building. This element adds warmth and colour to the piece and a sense of belonging in a community.