Fiona Stuehmer
The energy sources for renewable energies like daylight and wind are infinite, inexhaustible. This holds a lot of power in regard of the future of our planet. The word infinite became the centre of my solar panel. For this I created letters with a futuristic look that might require the viewer to stop and figure out what it says. To create the font, I used what the panel provided, I zoomed in and worked with the static grid of the panel. Around that I wanted to work more freely and outside of the grid, portraying the power of the natural energy sources. The stripes follow the idea of zooming out of the panel and looking at the big picture – rows of solar panels on a field that look endless, infinite.
My vision is to get the font cut out of the panel, as well as a few of the stripes. The other stripes are supposed to be printed in white while the rest of the panel stays visible.
To underline the word, I want to present the solar panel as a mirror installation. Placing two mirrors opposite of each other, an infinite reflection is created. With the panel placed in the middle, the viewer is supposed to see the panel multiple times when looking through the cutout.